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Bank’s  Different Services  and it’s  Charges



Revised Charges


Opening of A/cs  of Savings/Current

For savings a/c minimum balance is required of 100 for without cheque-book facility and 500 with cheque cheque-book facility. For current  a/c minimum balance  is required  of 1,000/- . If a borrower  of finance Company needs a cheque  book then he should  keep minimum  balance of 1,000/-  in his current/savings a/c at all times. These cheque books  will be charged @ 10/-  per leaf.  The cheque –books  should not be misused. Cheque Book Charges  + 18% GST


Saving/Current accounts closure.

In case  of account transfer  from one branch to another  in our bank 10/-  will be charged and in other cases 50/-  will be charged. + 18%  GST


If  balance is kept  less  than the minimum  balance required in saving/current accounts

In such cases, 10/-  for  savings a/cs and 50/-  for current a/cs  will be charged every time and the charges will  be debited  to the account. One time failure  will be counted from the day of less balance till recoupment of balance.  + GST 18% 


a) In case of local cheques being  dishonoured

In case  of insufficient  balance in the a/c or local cheque is asked to be presented  again  100/-  will be debited  to the a/c and  if such cheques are presented by finance companies 200/-  will be debited  to the a/c. +   GST 18% 

b) In case of local outward clearing cheques  dishonoured

50/-  will be debited  to the a/c. +   GST 18% 

c) Charges  for out-station  cheques  and for dishonoured once.

50/- and 2/-  per thousand  commission plus postage  will be deducted from the remittance and in case of dishnoured  cheques  commission will be asked  by VPL.  Commission +   GST 18% 


Stop  payment of cheques

50/-  will be charged per cheque. +   GST 18% 


In case of out station  cheques  deposited by our customer for  collection




After  receipt of the proceeds, bank will charge the following fee alongwith postage and commission.

up to 1,000/-

30/-  + Postage

1,001  to 5,000/-

50/-  + Postage

5,001 to 10,000/-

100/-  + Postage

R 10,000/- and above           2.50 per thousand commission  Plus  postage  and in addition to that paying Bank’s  commission + postage  will be recovered. Commission +   GST 18% 



Demand Draft commission for local and outstation places

For  local  as well as for HDFC Bank and Axis  Bank, ICICI Bank, IDBI Bank DDs, commission will be charged 10/-  for DD  amount of up to 5,000/-  and 1/-  per thousand  for exceeding  the amount  of 5000/-.  If a customer  needs a DD on nationalized  Banks, the total amount of commission charged  by the Bank will be recovered. Amount of commission  will be rounded off to the nearest Rupee.


If  any person who  is not an account holder  of bank, requires draft in cash for the amount upto 5,000/-  the person will be charged 15/-  and for amount exceeding   5,000/-, 2/- will be charged per thousand.  Such  Drafts/Pay orders/ RTGS/NEFT can be availed of in cash, for the amount of below             50,000/- . While reckoning this 50,000/- total  drafts taken by a person   in a day will have to be  considered. Amount of commission will be rounded off to  the nearest Rupee. Commission +   GST 18% 


Cheque Book charges for savings, Current and Cash Credit accounts

2.50 per leaf will be debited to the accounts. At the time of closure of account no charge will be levied but blank leaves of the cheque books  should  be returned  to the  bank. +   GST 18% 


Loan  Application  form

50/- per form. +   GST 18% 


Membership Application Form and charges for transfer of shares

1,030/-  (1,000/- for shares + 25/-  + 5/- GST ) for Printing Stationery, entrance fee 59/-  (50/-  + 9/- GST) for transfer of shares 59/-  (50/-  + 9/- GST) per share certificate.


Lockers  Rent and deposit for the same.

Type of  Locker                                                                         





Rent per annum



1,500/-  +   GST 18% 

Fixed Deposit




Interest  on Fixed  Deposits will be paid as per the usual term of the bank.                                                                                 



Pass book and statement of A/cs charges

Free of charge but if required twice for the same period, 5/-  will be charged per page at second time. For duplicate  pass book, on written request, for savings 20/-  and  for current a/c  30/-  will be charged. +   GST 18% 


Non-operating charges for Pigmy/Recurring/Savings  and current a/cs

50/-  per annum for Pigmy/Savings and Recurring and  100/-  for Current accounts. If balances in such accounts are less than the charges, the account will be closed  by debiting  the balance. +   GST 18% 


Operating Charges for Current Accounts

50/- for Yearly maintenance. +   GST  18% 


Nominal membership fee (‘B’ Class)

50/-  Only No GST


Solvency Certificate  Charges

25/- or 1/-  per thousand but not  exceeding          10,000/-  as a commission.  +   GST  18% 


Bank Guarantee  Charges

3% of the amount  of Bank guarantee  per annum  should be deposited in  advance.  +   GST  18% 


Notice Fee.

30/- for simple notice and  100/-  minimum for Regd. A/D notice  will be debited  to the account.      +   GST  18% 


No Dues Certificate

 For ‘A’  Class member of our bank fees will not be charged but for  other  15/-  will be charged.              +   GST  18% 


Charges for Demand draft revalidation  (In case of cancellation of DD or enhancement in date)

10/-    +   GST  18% 


Charges for stop payment of Demand Draft or for duplicate DD

25/- plus actual charges of other concerned bank.     

+   GST  18% 


Service  Charges for Cash Credit/Term Loan  and Overdrafts.

1% of the amount  of loan at the time of disbursement  of loan  and 0.5%  at the time of renewal, service charge will be collected from borrower and extra 200/-  will be debited to the account  for printing and stationery. +   GST  18% 


Change in  nomination of a Members

10/-  will be charged.  +   GST  18% 


Redemption or dishnoured  Hundis/Bills

25/-  for printing and stationery  + 50/-  as a service  charge + commission  + postage  as in case of DD  will be recovered for redemption of Hundis/Bills.  25/-   for printing and stationery  +   25/-  as a service charge +  postage + commission @ 2/-  per thousand  will be debited  to the  customer’s  a/c   for dishonoured  Hundis/Bills.

+   GST  18% 


Special DD Commission (DD at Concessional Rate)

In case of Bank’s  customer who need DDs often of big amounts and if he/she  requests to  issue DDs at concessional  rate, he/she should contact Head office and fix the concessional  rate.  + GST 18%


DDs issued against acceptance of cash

DDs  can be issued  against receipt of cash upto Rs.50,000/- only, if the individual  is account holder of  Bank and  well known to the Bank. Otherwise, such  DD  should not be issued and  if any dispute after  consequences occur, the total responsibility will be rest with  the concerned  Branch manager.  The individual, who will  withdraw such DD should submit  his/her a zerox  copy of  PAN  Card  and KYC  documents to the Bank.  DD/Pay Order /RTGS transactions  above Rs.50,000/-  should be done by transfer only.


a) Loans against  Deposits  including  Pigmy Deposit.

15/- will  be  charged for printing & stationery. No necessity  of  enrolling  him as  a ‘B’  class  member.  + GST 18%


a)                  Loans against  gold ornaments

15/-  will  be charged for printing  and stationery.

+   GST  18% 


Charges for ECS

 100/-  will be debited for dishnoured ECS/ACH  and  if after debiting the charges balance  becomes ‘0’  then  account will be closed and informed accordingly in the Return  Memo. +   GST  18% 


RTGS Charges

50/- per transaction. +   GST  18% 


Certificate  for cancellation  of lien/charge  on securities.

25/- will  be charged.  +   GST  18% 


New  Debit Card

Rs.100/-  + GST 18%


New Password for RuPay Debit Card (Repin)

Rs.100/-  + GST 18%


Annual  Maintenance Charges for RuPay Debit Card

Rs.100/-  + GST 18%


ECS Mandate Form updation

Rs.10/-  + GST 18%


Credit  Rating  from Agencies

Per Certificate Rs.200/-   + GST 18%

Test Data